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Kulicke and soffa 4700AD Ball and Wedge Wire Bonding machine


4700AD provides the high yield and excellent repeatability needed for every wedge and ball bonding application, including: optoelectronic modules, hybrid/MCMs, microwave products, discrete devices/lasers, Chip-on-Board. Wedge or Capillary mounting is easy and precise with a special transducer, unique to K&S Model 4700. Applications ranging from the basic type to the most challenging are handled with ease and with the versatility demanded by today's leading research or production requirements.


o Uses and Application:
Used in wire bonding and packaging of micro electro mechanical chips.

o Features Include:
ï‚· Wedge-wedge and ball-wedge bonding on the same machine
ï‚· Increased 'Z' travel; 12.5mm
ï‚· 90-degree deep access wedge bonding with 0.750" wedge length
ï‚· Ball bonding with 0.375", 0.437" or 0.625" capillary length
ï‚· High-end Negative EFO with missing ball detection
ï‚· Wire Spool holders for ½" and 2" spools
ï‚· 2 Channel Independent Bonding Parameters
ï‚· Semi-Auto and Manual Z Bonding Modes
ï‚· Built-in Digital Work Stage Temperature Control
ï‚· Nikon SMZ 660 microscope, 5x Zoom, 20x Eyepiece pair
ï‚· K&S Video Microscope system
ï‚· Small spot target, green dot <0.001" (25μm)
ï‚· Clamp 90-degree Ribbon wire feed for deep access
ï‚· Mini-heater support bracket for wedge
ï‚· Workholders (see K&S Workholder Catalog below):

o 04142-0X05-000-01

o 04135-0X01-000-01

o 04142-0X26-000-01

o 04135-0X06-000-01

ï‚· 0.7mil (17.5μm) and 1mil (25μm) Al wire for wedge bonding ï‚· 0.7mil (17.5μm) Au wire for ball bonding and 1mil (25μm) Au wire for wedge bonding.


     Usage fees


          Price in USD per hour *                                      Price in USD per day

                                                                                 (5 hrs from 10 MA to 3 PM)


          MOU Universities     Academia     Industry          MOU Universities     Academia     Industry


            (10 USD)                    (20 USD)            (40 USD)                (40 USD)                       (30 USD)      (60 USD)



          -The price will change according to the operating conditions.

     The above prices for: PPP= 1000, Power= 30%, Speed = 50%,

     Duplicating the power value will duplicate the price,

     Reducing the speed to its half value will duplicate the price.


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