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Disco Dad3240 Automatic Dicing Saw:​
The Disco DAD3240 Dicing Saw is a compact, manual, precision dicing saw with an automatic function which is common to the DAD3000 series. Its operating system and LCD touch panel allow for intuitive handling and it can cut through a range of materials, including difficult-to-cut materials essential to the nanofabrication process such as silicon.
o Uses and Application:
Cutting of semiconductor wafers into individual chips or dies.
o Features Include:
ï‚· Pieces from 1” to 8” and to widths of 650 mm
ï‚· High output, 1.8 kW spindle
ï‚· 15” LCD touch panel and GUI (Graphical User Interface)
ï‚· Automatic Alignment
ï‚· Operating System common to the DAD3000 series ï‚· Takes circular and rectangular pieces
ï‚· Cut speed from 0.000 to 600 mm/sec.


     Usage fees


          Price in USD per hour *                                      Price in USD per day

                                                                                 (5 hrs from 10 MA to 3 PM)


          MOU Universities     Academia     Industry          MOU Universities     Academia     Industry


            (20 USD)                    (40 USD)            (80 USD)                (60 USD)                       (120 USD)      (240 USD)




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